Permanent Jewelry

At Von T Jewelry, we are committed to providing our customers with not only exceptional jewelry pieces but also unforgettable experiences. That's why we offer permanent jewelry events and home parties, giving you the opportunity to explore our stunning collection in a unique and personalized setting.

Our permanent jewelry events are held in collaboration with local businesses, creating a vibrant and engaging atmosphere for all attendees. These events are the perfect opportunity to discover our latest designs, learn about the craftsmanship behind each piece, and connect with fellow jewelry enthusiasts.

During our permanent jewelry events, you'll have the chance to browse our selection of exquisite chain options, experiencing their beauty firsthand. Our knowledgeable staff will be on hand to provide expert advice and guidance, ensuring that you find the perfect accessories to enhance your personal style.

If you prefer a more intimate setting, we also offer the option to host a home party. Invite your friends and loved ones to your home, and we'll bring our stunning collection directly to you. Our team will create a relaxed and enjoyable atmosphere, allowing you and your guests to browse our jewelry at your leisure.

Hosting a home party is not only a convenient way to shop for jewelry, but it also gives you the opportunity to earn exclusive rewards. As the host, you'll receive special discounts, free gifts, and the chance to earn additional rewards based on the sales made during the party.

Whether you choose to attend one of our permanent jewelry events or host a home party, you can expect a personalized and memorable experience. Our goal is to help you find the perfect accessories that effortlessly enhance your style, and we are dedicated to ensuring your complete satisfaction.

Stay tuned for updates on our upcoming permanent jewelry events and home parties. Follow us on social media and subscribe to our newsletter to be the first to know about these exciting opportunities to discover our stunning collection in a unique and intimate setting.

Upgrade your style with ease and elegance at Von T Jewelry's permanent jewelry events and home parties. Join us for an unforgettable experience that combines the beauty of our jewelry with the joy of connecting with fellow jewelry enthusiasts.

To request a permanent jewelry pop-up or in home party please fill out the form below or email us at

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